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Or if you are out and about camping or such Keep a can of black pepper handy to help stop bleeding from little cuts and scrapes. The recommeded use : Wash the cut and dry it, then sprinkle on the pepper and coverwith a bandage. Black pepper is reported to help stop bleeding and minimize scarring,.

Some walkers carry black pepper packets for this reason because they are light and do not spoil. "Any time you've got a cut or burn, you can apply honey to it. The antibacterial properties will help forestall infection and the honey helps seal off the wound.".

A light bandage should be used with honey, too. If the cut or burn is deep or serious, don't use either pepper or honey -- seek immediate medical aid.

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Q: What is the fastest way to heal a wound?
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See a doctor immediately!!

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Yes because it helps your skin wound heal but it could sting your wound

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The wound will heal correctly, from the inside out, without infection.

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NO! A wound must be kept clean t insure healing!

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Most of the Hand Bones can heal the fastest.