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A good way to re-hydrate, which is used by many athletes, is to drink Grape Juice with a small amount of un-iodized salt in it. This is used as a quick way to restore the vital minerals potassium and sodium lost when sweating.

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Q: What is the fastest way to rehydrate the body?
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Can you eat noodles to rehydrate yourself?

Noodles won't add significant liquid to your body. That's what rehydrating means, to put more fluid in your body. Drinking water is the best and most effective way to rehydrate yourself.

Is drinking coffee a good way to rehydrate myself?

Caffeine has a slight diuretic action, but any fluid intake is good for rehydration. Coffee can be good for helping your body to wake up and to give you more energy, however it is not the best way to rehydrate yourself as drinking too much can be unhealthy and make you feel ill. The best way to rehydrate yourself is to drink lots of water.

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cleanse your insides, rehydrate and replenish your body's fluids, quench your thirst

How do you get heroin out of your system the fastest?

No fast way. It is in your fat cells, hair cells, and body systems. Don't use it if you want it out of your body.