The formula for finding the radius of a circle is circumference divided by double of pi. If area is given instead of circumference, the radius may be found by dividing the area by pi, then finding the square root of the resultant quotient. It is also equal to half of the diameter, or the diameter divided by 2.
It is: 630 by finding the prime factors of the given numbers
formulae for finding rx level
2 pi r times the circumference sqaured. then take this and find out its square root. This however, only works if you have the circumference. If you have both the volume and the height, you can find the formula for the radius by solving the following literal equation for "r": V=1/3 r^2(3.14)(H) r=(3V/pi H)square root
The mass of a sphere is 4/3*pi*r3*d where r is the radius of the sphere and d is the density of the material of the sphere.
The relationship between the radius and area of a circle is as follows: Area of circle = 3.14 x Radius x Radius or 22/7 x Radius x Radius
It is: 2*pi*radius
Hell are you talking about?!? A radius is a dimension of a circle! A rectangle has no stinking radius!
The formula for finding area or mass of a cylinder is pi x radius^2density=massxvolume
this is called finding the circumference. The formula is 2*pie*radius
Area of circle = pi*(radius)2
Volume = 4/3 * pi * radius * radius * radius Surface Area = 4 * pi * radius * radius
The formula for the circumference of a circle is pi * diameter or (2 radius.)
It is the formula for finding the circumference of a circle which is the same as 2*pi*radius
There is a specific formula for finding the radius of a curvature, used often when one is measuring a mirror. The formula is: Radius of curvature = R =2*focal length.
It is: (pi*radius)+(diameter)
Area of a circle = pi*radius2