Assume a, b and c are integers.
The formula of the LCM of three numbers is:
p1max(a,b,c)p2max(a,b,c)......prmax(a,b,c), where each pi to the max() tells you the maximum exponent of the prime of one of the terms. For instance:
Find the LCM of 2, 3 and 4.
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 2²
Then, the prime 2 with the max exponent is 2, so select 2².
The prime 3 with the max exponent is 1, so select 3.
Multiply these values altogether to obtain 2² x 3 = 12.
The LCM of the given three numbers is 360
Two or more numbers are needed to find their LCM
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
The LCM of the given three numbers is 476
The LCM of the given three numbers is 4212
Find the LCM of the first two numbers and then find the LCM of that number and the third one. That answer will be the LCM of all three.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
When all of them are prime numbers,then just multiply the numbers to get the LCM of those 3 numbers.
The LCM of the given three numbers is 360
Multiply them together.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.Two or more numbers are needed to find the Lcm
Two or more numbers are needed to find their LCM
To find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 11, 13, and 17, we first need to understand that the LCM is the smallest multiple that all three numbers share. The LCM of three prime numbers is simply the product of the three numbers, as they do not have any common factors. Therefore, the LCM of 11, 13, and 17 is 11 x 13 x 17 = 2431.
The LCM of the given three numbers using prime factorization is 25200
The LCM is 189.
Sure thing, honey. Here are three pairs of numbers for you: (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3). In each of these cases, the Least Common Multiple (LCM) equals the product of the two numbers because, well, they're the same darn numbers! It's simple math, darling.
Two or more numbers are needed to find their LCM