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The GCF is 9.
63/81 = 7/9

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Q: What is the gcf and the numerator and denominator of 63 fraction of 81?
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What fraction can be written with 63 as the numerator?

Any question that has a numerator and a denominator is a fraction. Therefore, the answer could be 63/1, 63/2, 63/3, etc.

How do you simplify 6 over 63?

By dividing the numerator and denominator by their GCF which is 3: 6/63 = 2/21

Can 16 over 63 be reduced?

A fraction can be simplified if the numerator and denominator have any common factors. In this case, the factors of the numerator (16) are 2x2x2x2. The factors of the denominator (63) are 3x3x7. There are no common factors. Therefore, the fraction 16/63 is already in its simplest form and cannot be reduced.

What is 49 over 63 in its simplest form?

To simplify, find the Greatest Common Factor between the numerator and denominator. In this case, the GCF between 49 and 63 is 7, so divide both by 7 to get the new numerator and denominator of the simplified equivalent fraction. 49/7 = 7 and 63/7 = 9, so 49/63 = 7/9

What is 63 over eighty one in simplest form?

63/81 is 7/9 in simplest form. The numerator and denominator were both divided by the GCF of 9.

How do you make a fraction in simplest form when it prime?

If either the numerator or denominator is prime, you need to check that the other is not divisible by that prime. If it is then the prime is a common factor and the fraction simplifies either to a unit factor or an integer. Otherwise, there is no simplification possible. For example, consider the prime 7.7/21 = 1/3 is a unit fraction.63/7 = 9 is an integer.22/7 and 7/22 cannot be simplified.

How do you simplify 63 over 99?

Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 9. 63/99 is equal to 7/11 or seven elevenths.

What is 46 over 63 - 3 over 11?

To calculate this sort of subtraction problem the two fractions have to be converted so that they share the same denominator - the number below the line. This is done by calculating the lowest common denominator they share. As 11 is a prime and 63 is not a multiple of it, then the lowest common denominator will be 63 x 11 = 693. * To convert the 46/63 to a fraction with 693 as its denominator we need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 11. This gives 506/693. * To convert the 3/11 to a fraction with 693 as its denominator we need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 63. This gives 189/693. Now we can subtract 189 from 506. That gives 317. * 317/693 As 317 is a prime, and 693 is not a multiple of it, that fraction can not be simplified.

What is 63 over 294 in its simplest form?

Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 21, 63/294 is equal to 3/14 or three fourteenths.

What are the rules in dividing fraction?

Turn the fraction by which you are dividing upside down, that is make the top number (numerator) the bottom number (denominator) and the original denominator the new numerator); and thenmultiply the fractions.Example:3/7 ÷ 9/14⇒ 3/7 x 14/9 = 42/63= 2/3

two equivalent fractions for seven over fifteen?

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What is the simplest form for 63 out of 70?

Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 7, 63/70 is equal to 9/10 or nine tenths.