The factors of 87 are: 1, 3, 29, 87 The factors of 116 are: 1, 2, 4, 29, 58, 116 The common factors are: 1, 29 The Greatest Common Factor: GCF = 29
The GCF is of 27 and 87 is 3.The GCF is 3.
GCF(100, 58, 48) = 2.
lcm(a, b, c, d, e, ...., z) = a*b*c*d*e*....*z/gcf(a*b*c*d*....*y, z)lcm(29, 19, 13, 186, 59) = 29*19*13*186*59/gcf(29*19*13*186, 59) = 78606762/gcf(1332318, 59) = 78606762/1 = 78606762
The GCF is: 3
The GCF of 58 and 87 is 29.
The GCF of 12 and 87 = 3
GCF(58, 29, 87) = 29.
The factors of 87 are: 1, 3, 29, 87 The factors of 116 are: 1, 2, 4, 29, 58, 116 The common factors are: 1, 29 The Greatest Common Factor: GCF = 29
The GCF is 3.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 3.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 2.
The GCF is 2.