The GCF is 126.
The GCF of 770 and 252 is 14.
The GCF of the given numbers is 12
The GCF of 54, 90, and 126 is 9
The GCF is 126.
It is 126
The GCF is 126.
The GCF is 126.
The GCF is 126.
The greatest common factor of 126 and 252 is 126.Always start with finding out if your lower number is a factor of the higher number. Since 126 is a factor of itself (1, 126) and a factor of 252 (2, 126) it is your GCF.
The GCF is 18.
The GCF is 18.
Gcf: 42 lcm: 252
The GCF is 126.
The GCF of 770 and 252 is 14.