The greatest common denominator of any set of integers is infinite.
There can be no greatest common denominator. If you have a set a numbers whose least common denominator is L then 2*L, 3*L, … are all common denominators. There is no end to that sequence and so no greatest.
The Greatest Common Denominator is 6
720 is.
720 is.
There is no such thing as the Greatest Common Multiple. For any multiple calculated, you could add the LCM to get a higher number; essentially, the greatest common multiple of any set of numbers is infinite. The least common multiple of 12 and 18 is 36, The greatest comon factor of 12 and 18 is 6.
A common denominator, though not the least, is 5616.
There can be no greatest common denominator. If you have a set a numbers whose least common denominator is L then 2*L, 3*L, … are all common denominators. There is no end to that sequence and so no greatest.
The Greatest Common Divisor/Denominator is 1
The Greatest Common Denominator is 6
The greatest common factor of 12 18 32 and 36 is 2.
720 is.
720 is.
5/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/12
The GCF is 2.
Greatest common factor of 12 and 18 and 24 is 6.
It is LCM(12, 18) = 36