GCF of a Prime number and a composite number is 1 if the prime number is not a factor of the composite number.
Here 103 is a prime number and 120 is a composite number. And 120 is not divisible by 103(or 103 is not a factor of 120).
So, GCF(103,120) = 1
Since both 23 and 47 are prime numbers, their greatest common factor is 1.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 1.
47 is a prime number so the great common factor of 47 and any other number can only ever be 1.
The greatest common factor of 47 and 10 is 470Improved Answer:-The greatest common factor of 47 and 10 is 1 but the lowest common multiple of 47 and 10 is 470
The greatest common factor of 18 and 47 is 1.
The greatest common factor is of 66 and 47 is 1
The GCF is 1.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 1
There is neither a greatest common factor nor common factors of a single number, such as 47, because there cannot be any form of common factor without two or more numbers to compare. Common factors are factors that the numbers being compared have in common. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers being compared have in common. Thus, since there are not two or more numbers to compare, there are neither common factors nor a greatest common factor. Examples: The common factors of 47 and 50 are only 1; the greatest common factor is 1. The common factors of 47 and 94 are 1 and 47; the greatest common factor is 47.
The greatest common factor of 141 and 329 is 47.The factors of 141 are: 1, 3, 47, 141The factors of 329 are: 1, 7, 47, 329The common factors are: 1, 47The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 47
Since both 23 and 47 are prime numbers, their greatest common factor is 1.
It is: 1
The GCF of 47 and 93 is 1.
The GCF of 8 and 47 is 1