The GCF is 3.
the greatest common factor is 6
The greatest common factor of 42 and 66 is 6.6
The greatest common factor (GCF) refers to a factor that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question! The greatest factor of any number is itself.
The greatest common factor of 6 and 36 is 6. Since 6 is a factor of 36, it is automatically the GCF.
The GCF of 6 and 57 is 3.
The greatest common factor of 54, 57, and 84 is 1, because 57 is a prime number, which means it can only be divided by 1 and itself. The greatest common factor of 54 and 84 is 6.
It is: 3
The GCF is 3.
Factors of 57: 1, 3, 19, 57 Factors of 6: 1, 2, 3, 6 GCF (57, 6) = 3
Since 6 = 2x3, 57 = 3x19 and 99 = 3^2 x 11, the GCF is 3. This method used comparing the prime factors to determine the greatest common factor. The only common prime factor all three numbers have is 3, so it is the greatest common factor. Another, less efficient, way to determine the greatest common factor is to find all the factors of the numbers and compare them. The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6. The factors of 57 are 1, 3, 19, and 57. The factors of 99 are 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, and 99. From this you can again see that the greatest common factor is 3.
There is not a greatest common factor of a single number, such as 228, because there cannot be a greatest common factor without two or more numbers to compare. Common factors are factors that the numbers being compared have in common. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers being compared have in common. Thus, since there are not two or more numbers to compare, there are neither common factors nor a greatest common factor. The factors of 228 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 19, 38, 57, 76, 114, and 228. The prime factors of 228 are 2, 2, 3, and 19. Examples: The greatest common factor of 24 and 228 is 12. The greatest common factor of 57 and 228 is 57. The greatest common factor of 98 and 228 is 2. The greatest common factor of 169 and 228 is 1.
The greatest common factor of 6 and 912 is 6.
The Greatest Common Factor of 6, 18 is 6.
the greatest common factor is 6
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 6
The GCF of 18 and 57 is 3Factors of 18: 1 2 3 6 9 18Factors of 57: 1 3 19 57