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There is no specific measure. The question is the same as asking how large a rock is in metres. It can be less than a metre to tens of metres or even larger.

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Q: What is the height of a batholith in meters?
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The summit ofa granit batholith has an elevation of 1825 ft what is theheight of the batholith in meters?

Convert from feet to meters by dividing by 3.3. 1825/3.3 = 533 meters

What is the height of batholith in meters?

Meaningless question. A batholith is a mass of intrusive igneous rock that has solidified deep underground. Its dimensions and depth below ground are necessarily specific, and the depth to the top can be that estimated from calculated erosion. It may be partially exposed by subsequent erosion, like Dartmoor (SW England), and then it would have an altitude relative to surrounding land or to sea-level.

Height of Rakaposhi in meters?

Height (feet): 25550; Height (meters): 7788

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Which mountain has a height of 3776 meters?

Mt.Fuji has a height of 3,776 meters.

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What is an antonym for batholith?

The antonym for batholith is small igneous intrusion or dyke.

What color is a batholith?

any color because stone mountain is a batholith

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A height of 4.2 meters

If height is 126 centimeters what is height in meters?

126 cm = 1,26 meters.

What is a Nissan primera length and height in meters?

Nissan Primera: length = 4.567 meters; height = 1.482 meters

When a ball of mass is thrown from a height of 7 meters it rebounds to 5 meters What is the height of the ball the instant it rebounds?

The height of the ball when it rebounds is 5 meters, as given in the question.