The numbers are co-prime so the only common factor is 1.
The greatest common factor is 9
63, 126, 189, 252, 315, 378, 441, 504, 567, 630, 693, 756, 819, 882, 945, . . . forever
1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 27, 63, 81, 189, 567
The numbers below are the factor pairs of 567 (multiplied together they equal 567) (1, 567) (3, 189) (7, 81) (9, 63) (21, 27)
factors of 567 = 3x3x3x3x7 factors of 441=3x3x7x7 so common factors among the two numbers are= 3x3x7 so the greatest common factor is =63
The numbers are co-prime so the only common factor is 1.
The GCF is 7.
1 and 567 are a factor pair of 567 since 1 x 567= 567 3 and 189 are a factor pair of 567 since 3 x 189= 567 7 and 81 are a factor pair of 567 since 7 x 81= 567 9 and 63 are a factor pair of 567 since 9 x 63= 567 21 and 27 are a factor pair of 567 since 21 x 27= 567
The greatest common factor is 9
You need at least two numbers to find something in common.
The smallest positive integer that will divide exactly into all the numbers in any set of numbers is 1. The largest integer that will divide exactly into 567 and 8 is also 1 - this is their Highest Common Factor. The smallest integer that 567 and 8 will both divide into is 4536 - this is their Lowest Common Multiple.
The GCF of 56 and 52 is 4.
63, 126, 189, 252, 315, 378, 441, 504, 567, 630, 693, . . .
63, 126, 189, 252, 315, 378, 441, 504, 567, 630, 693, 756, 819, 882, 945, . . . forever
63, 126, 189, 252, 315, 378, 441, 504, 567, 630, 693, 756, . . .
63, 126, 189, 252, 315, 378, 441, 504, 567, 630.