Cyclone Monica
The largest tornado in Oklahoma (and in fact the largest tornado ever recorded), was the El Reno, Oklahoma tornado of May 31, 2013. It was 2.6 miles wide.
The largest tumour ever recorded was an ovarian cyst weighing 3281b(23.4 stone) removed from a woman in Texas in 1905. The patient recovered.
No. The largest tornado ever recorded hit Hallam, Nebraska in the United States.
My butt is the largest
Largest pumpkin ever recorded was in 2012 and it weighed in at 2009 lbs.
The largest moose ever recorded had an estimated weight of around 1,800 pounds.
A jackfruit
The largest Timber Rattlesnake ever recorded was 74.5 inches
Cyclone Monica
mount Manganui
No. The largest ever recorded was in 1965 in Chile and that was a 9.5.
According to the Guiness World Records, the largest snowflake ever recorded was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick. It was reported at Fort Keogh, Montana in 1887.
The largest tornado in Oklahoma (and in fact the largest tornado ever recorded), was the El Reno, Oklahoma tornado of May 31, 2013. It was 2.6 miles wide.