A factor is a whole number which divides exactly into a whole number, so for 450 it would start1 & 4502 & 2253 & 1505 & 90etc, work up until you start repeating numbers you've already had
yes a factor is a whole number that divides into another whole number so 4 would be a factor of 8, 12, 16, 20, etc...
A Whole number is a set of natural numbers and zero like the number 1 2 3 4 or 5
A prime number has exactly two factors: itself and 1.
1, 30, 2, 15, 3, 10, 5, 6 A factor is a number which divides into 30
A divisor.
The number 1 or a factor.
32=25 So the larget cube of a whole number that divides 32 is 23 = 8
Since numbers can go on forever there is no "largest number".
It is 7.
That would be... 5
1 because 7 is a prime number
30 (and all its multiples!)
The largest cube is 23 = 8 which divides 72 with a remainder of 0.