LCD(7, 5, 10) = 10
The LCD of any two (or more) of positive integers is 1
If that's 5/12, 10/13 and 7/9, the LCD is 468.
LCD(6, 7) = 42
56 is the lcd of 8 and 7. You can get this by multiplying 8x7. 8 and 7 have no common factors; that is why you multiply the two numbers to get the lcd.
LCD(7, 5, 10) = 10
The answer is B. 12/16, 7/16, and 10/16
The LCD of any two (or more) of positive integers is 1
The least common denominator of fractions is the smallest multiple of the denominators that they both share. To find the least common denominator of 2/3 and 7/12, you need to find the least common multiple of 3 and 12, which is 12. Therefore, the least common denominator of 2/3 and 7/12 is 12.
If that's 5/12, 10/13 and 7/9, the LCD is 468.
LCD(6, 7) = 42