The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
6the denominators of 162 are1,1622,813,546,279,18the denominators of 240 are1,2402,1203,804,605,486,408,3010,2412,2015,16
The least common multiple of the numbers 240 and 300 is 1,200.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 120 and 240 is 240. Because 240 is a multiple of 120, it is automatically the LCM of the pair. If you didn't notice that, you could also list the multiples of each number in the set, then choose the lowest one found in both lists and call it the least common multiple. Th multiples of 120 are 120, 240, 360, and so on. The multiples of 240 are 240, 480, 720, and so on. So the least common multiple of 120 and 240 is 24.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 240 1500 is 6,000.
The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
The least common multiple of the numbers 48 and 30 is 240 and the GCF is 6.
6the denominators of 162 are1,1622,813,546,279,18the denominators of 240 are1,2402,1203,804,605,486,408,3010,2412,2015,16
The greatest common factor of 160 and 240 is 80.
The least common multiples of 15 and 16 is 240. Because 15 and 16 are consecutive integers, they have no common factor except one. Therefore, their LCM is their product: 15*16=240
The LCM is: 240
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) or 72 and 240 is 24.
The greatest common factor is a function of two numbers-- it is the greatest factor that the numbers have in common. The concept does not apply to a single number. Now you can use the same number twice and ask what is the greatest common factor of 240 and 240 and the answer would be 240.
The Greatest Common Factor of 16, 64, 240 is 16.
The least common multiple of 64 , 240 = 960