The least popular first letter is 'x', runner up is 'z', followed by 'q'.
That's the least common denominator or LCD.
The least common denominator.
The LCM of the first twelve counting numbers is 27720
14, 28, 42
65, 130, 195
It depends on what language you are talking about. In English, the letter X is least used for first names.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 4 6 is 12.
Most common is the thing that happens most, and least common is the least ocuring thing. For example it is most common to open chess with middle pawn forward. And it is least common to move one of the far pawns first.
The letter "Z" is the least used letter in written English. It is estimated to have a frequency of around 0.07% in the English language, making it one of the least common letters. This is due to the limited number of words that begin or contain the letter "Z" in comparison to other more frequently used letters.
The first letter of a person's name is always a capital letter.
To find the least common denominator of a set of unlike fractions, you first need to list the prime factors of each denominator. Then, identify the highest power of each prime factor that appears in any of the denominators. Finally, multiply these highest powers together to find the least common multiple, which will be the least common denominator for the fractions.
W is the most common letter of American surnames.
E is the most common letter in the English language.
The way to solve this is as follows:Find the least common multiple of the two numbers.Multiply this least common multiple by 2 and by 3, to get the next two common multiples.
A common noun is any noun that does not require an upper case first letter. They are in distinction to proper nouns which do require the first letter to be upper case.