It is already in its lowest form of 13/19
4 over 1
Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
Woman's Wit - 1916 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
simplest form or lowest terms
Its actually 'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit'. It's alledged Oscar Wilde gave this quote, although it doesn't appear in any of his writing.
The quote "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence" is often attributed to Oscar Wilde.
lorena ochoa
The correct form is "wit's end", the noun "wit" is singular, possessive. The end of your "wit".
6 is in its lowest form.
4% is the lowest form of in percentages, if writing as a fraction, then 1/25 is lowest form
You can sign up to be a WIT Warrior through the official WIT application form, which is found on the WIT information page here: WikiFAQs:Teens_programIf you are already a member of WIT and wish to change your division, simply contact either of the WIT staff members:Melbrown2013XnicolaSkullcandy88
Sarcasm is a type of humor that relies on irony and mocking others, often at their expense. While some may consider it lowbrow, others appreciate its cleverness and sharp wit. Ultimately, the perception of sarcasm's quality depends on personal preference and context.
The lowest form is 1/8
It is: 1 to 4 in lowest form
31/2 in its lowest form.
It is: 1 and 3 in lowest form