It is: 360
To convert 0.325 to a fraction, put 325 over 1000. The fraction is 325/1000. In lowest terms it is 13/40.
1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 40 1, 2, 4, 17, 34, 68
Well, darling, 34 is snug as a bug between the multiples of 10, specifically 30 and 40. So, it's not quite cozy with the 10s, but it's definitely hanging out in the neighborhood.
The lowest term of 40 over 56 is 5/7
The lowest term of 35 over 40 = 7/8
7/40 is already in its lowest terms
40 over 12 reduced to its lowest term = 10/3 or 31/3
It is already in lowest terms.
11/40 is in its lowest terms.
32/40 = 4/5
10/1 or 10
Thel owest term for 35 over 40 as a fraction is 7/8. The decimal form is 0.875