Johansson is the most popular last name in Sweden.
The second most popular last name is Andersson and even though 'Svensson' is used as a term to describe the average Swede, much like the American term 'average joe', the last name Svensson is actually only the 9th most common in Sweden.
The most common name in Sweden varies greatly depending on if you choose to look at newborns, young or old people and whether you count just first names or middle names as well. If you take the whole population into account the most common first name in Sweden is: For females: Anna (with Eva and Maria as close second and third) For males: Erik (with Carl/Karl and Anders as second and third)
Gonzalez Garcia Sanchez
No, it is more common in Spanish speaking countries.
the official name of Sweden is the kingdom of Sweden
Yes. It most likely comes from Svensson and had been changed when/if your ancestors moved to another country. the W sounds like V in swedish and most swedish names end in sson, danish last names end in sen and norwegian in son or ssen.
The most popular last name in India is Patel.
The most popular last name in Russia is IVANOV.
The most popular last name in the USA is Smith.
Garcia. It is the 8th most popular last name in America, making it the 1st most popular HISPANIC last name in America.
Well its not really a popular last name its Reed.
The most popular last name I would think would be... Young, Thomas, or Williams
The most popular Hispanic last name starting with G is Garcia.
The most popular last name in Croatia is Babić.
The most popular surname is Cohen.
The most popular last name in Taiwan is Chen.
The most popular last name in North Korea is Kim. Other popular last names in North Korea include Park and Lee.
Nguyen is a popular last name in Vietnam.