A logarithmic amplifier is an amplifier which provides the logarithmic function.
Linear amplifiers produce an output which is equal to the equation y=kx, where y is the output, x is the input, and k is a constant. If the amp is unity-gain, y=x because k=1. If the amplifier linearly increases the input signal, k will be greater than 1. If the amplifier reduces the input signal, but retains the linear relationship, k will be less than 1.
A logarithmic amplifier (log amp) produces an output with relation to the input of the logarithmic function. The equation would be y=KLog(x). The base of the logarithmic function used is usually e, so the equation could be written y=Kln(x). Again, K is a multiplying constant which scales the output. e^y uses e (the "natural number", about 2.71828) and raises it to the y power. y=ln(x) means that y is the exponent necessary to get e raised to y equal to x.
It is easier to understand the logarithmic function in terms of log-base-10, than natural-log, because with log-base-10, the log number is the number of the power required to raise 10 to the given value. That means that each whole-number log represents a power of 10:
log 0=1
log 1=10
log 2=100 and so on.
Likewise, negative logs represent powers of 1/10:
log 0=1/1 (so it still =1)
log -1=1/10
log -2=1/100
This makes the line of the function rise at an accelerating rate to the right of x=1, and decrease at a decelerating rate to the left of 1. If y is the output of the log amp, then, the input (x) can increase by powers of 10 and the output will increase by additive values of 1.
An op-amp which is configured as a log-base-10 amp with an output maximum of 5 volts and positive-only input maximum of 1 volt and scaled for 1volt-per-decade will produce:
5volts for 1volt input
4volts for .1volt input
3volts for .01volt input
2volts for .001volt input
1volt for .0001volt input
0volts for .00001volt input
To understand this, look at the inputs for 1volt and 5volts output, and compare:
for inputs, .0001volt to 1volt is a dynamic range of 10,000: the largest value is 10,000 times larger than the input.
for outputs, 1 volt to 5 volts is 4 volts, so the largest value is 5 times larger than the input.
This is compression: expressing very large differences as small values. One benefit is that you can multiply the large numbers by adding the small numbers (equivalent to adding exponents!)
The amp could be configured the other way, providing 1volt for an input of 5volts, and .00001volt for an input of 0volts, with the function being log-base-10. This is an expander, making a small dynamic range into a large one.
Log amps are useful where natural measured phenomena are related by logs or natural logs. (Examples: Volume is log-base-2 related: each equal amount of increase in volume to the ear is actually an increase of a factor of 2), as is pitch (each octave increase is a doubling of frequency). Photodiodes produce a logarithmic current, so a log amp can be used to make the output match the linear nature of applied light.
Log amps are also useful when companding: taking a very large-dynamic signal (in audio terms, that means very loud to very quiet) and encoding it in a signal with a very small dynamic range, transmitting it, then expanding it back to the original characteristic.
To oversimplify it the "operational amplifier" was originally designed to perform mathematical operations in electronic analog computers. The designer set the mathematical operation of each amplifier by designing its feedback network. Some operations that could be done were: addition, subtraction, constant multiplication/division, logarithm, exponentiation, variable multiplication/division by combining logarithm-addition/subtraction-exponentiation, integration, differentiation, absolute value, clipping, etc.A "normal" amplifier was just designed to produce a certain amount of voltage or current gain.
that is where the end stage does not consume current when there is no signal to amplify. Opposite of a class A where the current is constant with any signal level (except saturation...)
feedback that reduces gain to help stabilize amplifier operation. gain is easy and cheap to get, stability isn't. its a tradeoff. so amplifier is deliberately designed with much more gain than needed and negative feedback sacrifices some of that gain to stabilize it.
current amplifier
the use of swamping resisters in amplifier is in order to protect the amplifier from high temperatures
normal amplifier is a mathametical operation analog the computer, magnetic amplifier is sound operation of the signal
An antilog amplifier is also known as a logarithmic converter. This means that the input voltage is multiplied by a set number in order to obtain the output voltage.
There is no subject to this question: "logarithmic" is an adjective but there is no noun (or noun phrase) to go with it. The answer will depend on logarithmic what? Logarithmic distribution, logarithmic transformation or what?
A: class a
Emitter-Base junction should be forward biased.Collector-Base junction should be reverse biased.
In class B amplifier no DC biasing required, thus lack of of DC current in inpunt and load, saturation of core avoided
power amplifiers are the amplifier which raise the power levels of the signal.the power amplifier may also defined as a device which converts dc power to ac power and whose action is controlled by the ac input signal. Power amplifiers are also known as "LARGE SIGNAL AMPLIFIER".the term large signal arises because they use large part of load line for their operation,but the small signal amplifiers are use only 10% load line for their operation.
The relationship between a logarithmic function and its graph is that the graph of a logarithmic function is the inverse of an exponential function. This means that the logarithmic function "undoes" the exponential function, and the graph of the logarithmic function reflects this inverse relationship.
All of the transistors must be biased in their operating range to work correctly.
The priority queue decrease key operation can be efficiently implemented by using a data structure like a binary heap or a Fibonacci heap. These data structures allow for the key of a specific element in the priority queue to be decreased in logarithmic time complexity, making the operation efficient.
The given equation is exponential, not logarithmic!The logarithmic equation equivalent to ea= 47.38 isa = ln(47.38)ora = log(47.38)/log(e)The given equation is exponential, not logarithmic!The logarithmic equation equivalent to ea= 47.38 isa = ln(47.38)ora = log(47.38)/log(e)The given equation is exponential, not logarithmic!The logarithmic equation equivalent to ea= 47.38 isa = ln(47.38)ora = log(47.38)/log(e)The given equation is exponential, not logarithmic!The logarithmic equation equivalent to ea= 47.38 isa = ln(47.38)ora = log(47.38)/log(e)
To wire a Rockford Fosgate T500.2 amplifier to a 2 ohm load, you will need to connect two 4 ohm subwoofers in parallel. Each subwoofer's positive terminal should be connected to the amplifier's positive output terminal, and each subwoofer's negative terminal should be connected to the amplifier's negative output terminal. This will create a 2 ohm load for the amplifier. Be sure to verify the amplifier's minimum impedance requirements to ensure proper operation.