The GCF is 40. The LCM is 6720. The GCD is infinite.
35 can be a factor, but it is not prime.
The total number of integers that are multiples of both 8 and 21 is infinite. The first few are these: 168, 336, 504, 672, 840 . . .
81 is not prime. Its prime factorization is 3x3x3x3.
There is no factorization. 37 is a prime number.37 is already prime. Its only prime factor is itself.
The longest factor string for 840 is its prime factorization because prime factors can't be broken down any further.
32 is not a factor of 840.
You will know because all of the numbers are prime.
actually 7 is a factor of 840, because when you divide 7 into 840 you get 120 with no remainders therefore making it a factor of 840.🤡
Find one factor, divide by it to get the other factor. Continue separating each of the factors into smaller factors, until you only have prime numbers. For example, 840 = 2 x 420. Now continue finding smaller factors for 420.
Stings with four factor that make 840
2 x 420 3 x 280 4 x 210 5 x 168 6 x 140
840 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 OR 23 x 3 x 5 x 7
The prime factors are: 2,3,5,7
The GCF of 320 and 840 is 40.
The GCF is 40. The LCM is 6720. The GCD is infinite.