Frequency Coverage: VHF-Lo: ................................ 29 MHz -50 MHz (in 5kHz steps) Ham: ................................... 50 MHz -54 MHz (in 5kHz steps) Government: .......................... 136 MHz -144 MHz (in 5kHz steps) Ham: ................................. 144 MHz -148 MHz (in 5kHz steps) VHF-Hi: .............................. 148 MHz -174 MHz (in 5kHz steps) Ham/Government: .................. 460 MHz - 450 MHz (in 12.5kHz steps) UHF-Lo: .......................... 450 MHz - 470 MHz (in 12.5kHz steps) UHF-Hi: .......................... 470 MHz - 512 MHz (in 12.5kHz steps) Channels of Operation.............Any 16 channels in any band combination
Commonly used intermediate frequencies110 kHz was used in Long wavebroadcast receivers. [1]Analoguetelevision receivers using system M: 41.25 MHz (audio) and 45.75 MHz (video). Note, the channel is flipped over in the conversion process in anintercarriersystem, so the audio IF frequency is lower than the video IF frequency. Also, there is no audio local oscillator, the injected video carrier serves that purpose.Analoguetelevision receivers using system B and similar systems: 33.4 MHz. for aural and 38.9 MHz. for visual signal. (The discussion about the frequency conversion is the same as in system M)FM radioreceivers: 262 kHz, 455 kHz, 1.6 MHz, 5.5 MHz, 10.7 MHz, 10.8 MHz, 11.2 MHz, 11.7 MHz, 11.8 MHz, 21.4 MHz, 75 MHz and 98 MHz. In double-conversion superheterodyne receivers, a first intermediate frequency of 10.7 MHz is often used, followed by a second intermediate frequency of 470 kHz. There are triple conversion designs used in police scanner receivers, high-end communications receivers, and many point-to-point microwave systems.AM radioreceivers: 450 kHz, 455 kHz, 460 kHz, 465 kHz, 470 kHz, 475 kHz, 480 kHzSatellite uplink-downlinkequipment: 70 MHz, 950-1450 Downlink first IFTerrestrial microwaveequipment: 250 MHz, 70 MHz or 75 MHzRadar: 30 MHzRF Test Equipment: 310.7 MHz, 160 MHz, 21.4 MHz
The operating frequency of 8085 is 3 mhz to 5 mhz
Operating frequency of Airtel900MHz Its 1800 Mhz in Mah.. where as Idea and BSNL works on 900 Mhz....
Yes! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use : Low power RFID equipments or any other low power wireless devices or equipments Frequency Band: 865-867 MHz Power: Maximum transmitter output power of 1 Watt ( 4 Watts Effective Radiated Power) Carrier Bandwidth: 200 KHz Reference: GSR 564 ( E) dated 30 July 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use : Low power equipments Frequency Band: 2.4-2.4835 GHz Power: Maximum transmitter output power of 1 Watt ( 4 Watts Effective Radiated Power) Carrier Bandwidth: spectrum spread of 10 MHz or higher Reference: GSR 45E dated 28.1.2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use : Low power equipments for Cellular telecom systems including Radio Local Area Networks, Indoor applications Frequency Band: 5.150-5.350 GHz, 5.725 - 5875 Power:maximum mean Effective Isotropic Radiated Power of 200mW, maximum mean Effective Isotropic Radiated Power density of 10mW/MHz in any 1 MHz bandwidth, Carrier Bandwidth: 1MHz Reference:GSR No 46E dated 28.1.2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use : Low power equipments Frequency Band: 5.825 to 5.875 GHz Power: maximum transmitter output power of 1 Watt ( 4 Watts Effective Radiated Power) Carrier Bandwidth:spectrum spread of 10 MHz or higher Reference: GSR no 38E dated 19.1.2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use : Wireless equipments intended to be used while in motion or during halts Frequency Band: 26.957-27.283 MHz Power: maximum Effective Radiated Power ( ERP) of 5 Watts Reference: GSR no 35 E dated 10.01.2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use : Low power equipments for the remote control of cranes Frequency Band: 335.7125, 335.7375, 335.7625, 335.7875, 335.8125 and 335.8375 MHz Power: maximum transmit power of 1mW Carrier Bandwidth: 10 KHz Reference: GSR 34( E) dated 10.1.2007 and GSR 532 ( E) dated 12.8.2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The PS2 processor runs at from 294.0 MHz to 299.0 MHz for the "Slimline PS2 ".
no. but a washing machine does.
To determine the processing power of your computer using a gigaflops calculator, you can input the number of floating-point operations per second your computer can perform. This will give you a measurement in gigaflops, which represents the computer's processing speed. The higher the gigaflops value, the more powerful the computer is in terms of processing capabilities.
The first Pentium chips had a processing speed of 60-66 MHz
Not even close by today's standards. Most notebooks will be at 1,800 MHz with multiple processing cores.
Many processors are designed to automatically reduce their speed when not in use in order to conserve power.
No, the Geforce GTX 480 should beat the GTX 295 statistically speaking (although they are close in performance): Geforce GTX 295: -Core Clock: 576 MHz -Shader Clock: 1242 MHz -Memory Clock: 1000 MHz -Processing Cores: 480 Geforce GTX 480: -Core Clock: 700 MHz -Shader Clock: 1401 MHz -Memory Clock: 1848 MHz -Processing Cores: 480
As many as you like, watts and MHz have no equivalence because watts measure power while MHz measure frequency.
this means your computer have a processor with 513 MHz processing speed.
The first Pentium chips had a processing speed of 60-66 MHz
There is no direct conversion between frequency (MHz) and power (watts). Watts measure power, while MHz measures frequency. The power output at a frequency of 50 MHz would depend on the specific device or system generating the signal.