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6 parts Nitrogen, 12 parts Potash and 18 parts Pottassium.

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Q: What is the ration of a fertilizer that is 6-12-18?
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How many ration shops in Tamil nadu?

28000 ration shops

What is the population of Fertilizer Corporation of India Township?

Fertilizer Corporation of India Township's population is 7,059.

What is the ration 40 to 46 in simplest form?

20 to 23

What are the main features of rationing system pre 1997 in India?

There are two types of ration card-for upper gradefor lower gradeupper grade get less things.lower grade get more things.everyone get things from ration shop at fixed prize.time period to get things from ration shop once was less like 2-3 weeks.there was no fixed quantity of food to be taken from ration shop.people used to take the amount of food to last them for one year.bringing card to get things was not followed strictly.

How do you calculate multiplying factor in 3 phase 4 wire energy meter?

mf is ratio of CT ration of meter box to CT ration written on meter. ex: CT meter box: 30/5, Meter ct ration 1/1. MF : (30/5)/(1/1)= 6

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What is 61218 in scientific notation?

It is: 6.1218*10^4 in scientific notation

What is a controlled experirment?

A controlled experiment is an experiment in which all factors are controlled except for the one variable you will be altering. If you were performing a controlled experiment on the effects of fertilizer on plant growth, for example, you have to control plant variety, exposure to sunlight, soil type and water ration. The only thing you would change is the fertilizer used on each plant.

What part of speech is ration coupons?

Ration coupons is a plural noun. The singular is ration coupon.

When does ration the ration shop open?

In Tamilnadu ration shops are opened by 8.30 am to 12 pm

What part of speech is ration books?

Ration books is a plural noun. The singular is ration book.

What were the tabs in the ration books called?

Ration Tabs

Who invented ration books?

who invented the ration books

How much is a ration coupon from the depression worth?

It is valid for redemption for one ration.

What was the weekly ration for a child?

I think it is half an adults ration.

When was Ration Blues created?

Ration Blues was created in 1943.

How many ration shops in Tamil nadu?

28000 ration shops

What is the full form of bpl ration card'?

bpl ration card