He's known as the smallest baby ever to be delivered at St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center and survive.
Trey keifer was born April 5th and only weighed 13 ounces
She had sex and bow she has the cuitest baby ever:)
what ever you choose to name them
Yes, their baby is a girl. Renesmee, their baby, is born in Breaking Dawn.
Barbies are the worst toys ever
No But think they end up adopting twins
The heaviest baby ever born weighed 22 pounds and measured 28 inches long. This baby was born to Anna Bates in Seville, Ohio in 1879.
I dont know the name but I know the babie was 15lb.
The baby was just too big and fat
no a baby is born every 8 seconds
14 lbs.
I think the youngest ever born was around 24 weeks
No, there is no hospital in Vatican City.
Logan James Walker
It Was A Whale That She Gave Birth To.
He's known as the smallest baby ever to be delivered at St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center and survive. Trey keifer was born April 5th and only weighed 13 ounces Actually the smallest-sized baby that was ever born was Rumaisa Rahman she was 8.6 ounces when she was born at 26 weeks in Maywood, Illinois in 2004. Trey Keifer was the small baby ever born at St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center not the small baby in general.
The tallest baby ever recorded was a baby boy born in Canada in 1879, who reportedly measured 30 inches (76 cm) at birth.