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There is no such thing as an African weather goat.

A whether is a male goat that has been castrated. There are many different types of African goats.

The smallest goat is the Nigerian dwarf.

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14y ago

The smallest member of the antelope family is the Dik-Dik. It is only 14 inches high at full growth and only weighs 5 kg (12 lb). It lives in Africa primarily throughout the Serengeti-Mara scrublands and in the Lake Manyara National Park.

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An ordinary ant

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Q: What is the smallest ant?
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Which is the smallest ant?

The red ant.

What is the English name of the smallest ant in the world?

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What is the smallest animal in England?

The ant

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Where in the world is the smallest ant found?

all over the worldIn Your Garden,Around GrassAnd also, it can be found when you left a white raddish on the ground. (A rotten one) And for a few seconds, ants will appear! They are easy to catch.

How do you arrange in order of smallest to largest atom ant virus?

Atom < Virus < Ant In this list, atoms are the smallest particles, followed by viruses, and then ants, which are multicellular organisms.

What insect is the smallest adult?

an ant i think

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An ant is classed as a verterbrate animal however it has one of the smallest verterbrates in the world.

Ic on the end of a small insect?

ant is a smallest insect

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