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the equator because it has a low latitiude

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Q: What is the smallest climate?
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Which climate zone appears to be the smallest in Africa?

there are four and they are Sahara, Sahel, Savanna, and Coasts + Forests

What is the smallest taiga in the world?

The smallest taiga in the world is believed to be the South Korea's Taebaek Mountains. The taiga consists of fir and spruce forests and covers a small area due to the geographical location and climate conditions of South Korea.

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The smallest grass is the Dwarf Spike-rush (Eleocharis parvula), which typically grows to about 3-5 cm (1-2 inches) in height. It is commonly used in aquariums and as a ground cover in gardens.

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Nunavut has the smallest population because the climate is very cols, since it is up north.

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The area with the smallest temperature range year-round is typically found near the coast in regions with a maritime climate, such as the west coast of continents. This is because the ocean acts as a moderator, keeping temperatures relatively stable throughout the year. San Francisco, California is an example of a city with a small temperature range due to its maritime climate.

Do Asian or African elephants have the smallest ears?

African elephants have larger ears because they live in a hotter climate and use their ears to cool them off.

What are the levels of organization in order from high to low?

1.biosphere 2.biome 3.ecosystem 4.habitat

What is the smallest size aquarium with a filtration system to house a beta?

At least 5 gallons with a heater. A 2.5 works if you live in a warmer climate, but it can't really be heated safely and evenly.

Is singapore the smallest countries?

It is not the smallest, but it is one of the smallest.

Is quarts the smallest?

No quarts are not the smallest, the smallest of the are cups

How small is the smallest pyramid of Giza?

It's very large because there are no small constructions in Giza. The climate is very dusty and hot. However, many people who have been there say it is worth the trip.

Is Dublin the smallest county?

No. Louth is the smallest, Carlow is the second smallest and Dublin is the third smallest.