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A small liger named Tony Chottoccino.

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Q: What is the smallest liger in the world?
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Related questions

What is bigger a liger or a Siberian tiger?

Ligers are the world's biggest cat. They are really really huge. There is a liger named Hercules that is over 900 pounds.

What is world cat?

the liger! A mixture of an Lion and a Tiger.

Can a liger run faster than a cheetah?

No. A cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. So a liger can not be faster than a cheetah.

What is world's largest cat?

the liger! A mixture of an Lion and a Tiger.

Is there onily one liger?

There are thought to be a few ligers in the world.

Who would win in a fight liger or a tiger?

ofcourse a liger

Where does the largest cat in the world live?

the largest cat in the world is a liger and most of them live in captivity

What is stronger lion or liger?


What is a liger's diet?

What is a liger's habitat?

Do you have a picture of a liger?

here's a baby liger :)

What is the weight of a liger cub?

what is the wieght of a baby liger

What if a liger and a lion fight?

a liger would win