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observable ? i'd say quarks.

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Q: What is the smallest observable particle known in physics?
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QUARKS are the smallest particles.they r known to be smaller than electrons,neutrons and protons.discovered way back in the 20th century

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Does atom is the smallest particle?

No, atom is not the smallest particle. Atoms are not even particles, but elements. Atoms are made up of 3 particles: Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons. The protons and neutrons are made up of even smaller particles known as quarks.

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yes this is called an atum a atum is a the smallest thing known to man some people say this is not true but it is there is no such thing as atum's butt it is a living particle on an animal or living breathing oganism thank you Alyce D

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Louis de Broglie was a French physicist and Nobel Prize Winner best known for wave-particle duality. He laid out the converse idea of Einstein's that a wave is a particle. According to de Broglie, a particle is a wave. He was awarded the 1929 Nobel Prize for physics.

Why is the Higgs boson particle important?

It's important because it's the particle that gives everything mass (kinda like weight) in Physics. If this particle doesn't exist, it means that all of the science we have relied on so far in Physics, is wrong. This includes Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, or the greatest work Einstein is known for (E=mc2). That's why it's important.

What is the Contribution of molecular physics to physics?

Molecular physics looks at the subatomic world. It looks at particles such as quarks, Leptons and a major study by CERN in Europe is searching for a particle known as the higgs boson. These contributions allow for improved theories in all science branches. Not just General/ Classical physics