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Q: What is the smallest piece of volcanic stone called?
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What is the piece at the top of an arch bridge called?

I know that the top stone, is called a Key stone.

What is a piece of stone and metal that hits the earth?

it is called a meteorite

What is it called when a piece of wood changes to stone?

The end result is called "petrified wood".

What Island is home to mysterious stone figures carved from hardened volcanic ash?

The Island is called "Rapanui". The statues are called "Moai".

Is there a volcano in trichy?

yes. trichy is a volcanic centre. thousands of years ago it had many volcanic craters which had now gone dormant. golden rock in trichy is the proof, as geologist analysed a piece of stone from it, which had earth's core minerals

What do you call a piece of stone that enters the earths atmosphere?

A piece of stone that enters the Earth's atmosphere is called a meteoroid. If it survives the journey through the atmosphere and lands on the Earth's surface, it is then called a meteorite.

What are the pieces in backgammon called?

The playing piece of the game Backgammon is called a 'pip', a 'checker', a 'man' or a 'stone'.

A piece of stone or metal that falls to the earths surface?

It is called a meteorite, which is a solid piece of debris, typically from a comet, asteroid, or planetary body, that survives its passage through Earth's atmosphere and lands on the surface.

What stone is used for the roman colosseum?

Travertine, limestone, concrete, volcanic stone, pumice

Stone which does not drowns in water?

Pumice, a volcanic stone, does not sink in water.There is one type of stone that won't SINK in water.....pumice.

Which stone which never sink in water?

pumice (a volcanic rock)

What is name of crystal of snow a piece of chipped stone tool and the rack for drying fish?

The name of a snow crystal is snowflake, a piece of chipped-stone tool is a flake, and the rack for drying fish is called a fish rack.