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Real numbers are composed of rational and Irrational Numbers. Integers are part of the group (set) of rational numbers. And the integers are composed of the counting numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) and their negative counterparts (-1, -2, -3, ...). Oh, almost forgot. There is one more integer that is neither positive or negative. It's the number zero. Zero is an integer (neither positive or negative). The smallest real number ever is zero.

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Q: What is the smallest real number ever?
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The smallest whole number is 1. (Also known as "one" or "unity".)0 (called "zero" or "nil") means "nothing exists" so 0 cannot ever be a real number.In other words 0 certainly cannot be the smallest whole number because it simply is not a real number of any kind.

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This depends on what you mean by smallest. The smallest four-digit whole number is 1,000; the smallest four-digit real number is .0001 (1/10,000); the smallest four-digit integer is -9,999.

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There is no first real number. If x laid claim to being the smallest real number, then x/2 would have a better claim. And so on.

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Use the following algorithm (written in pseudocode). Let largest be the lowest possible real number. Let smallest be the greatest possible real number. Repeat while there is input... { Read real number r from input. If r is greater than largest then let largest be r. If r is less than smallest then let smallest be r. } End repeat. Let range be largest minus smallest. Output range.

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The smallest whole number that is greater than 617500 is 617501. There is no smallest real number satisfying the requirement because for each candidate, there is another which is halfway between it and 617500.

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0.000(recurring but ending in 1)

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Unless you are an electrical engineer or a math teacher, every number you will ever use in a real world situation will be a real number.

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This depends on the type of number you want. For integers, the answer is 105. For real numbers, the answer is -.005.

Will the range ever be a negative number?

No, because the maximum (largest) must be at least as big as the minimum (smallest).

Will Selena Gomez ever give out her real number?

prbably not

Is the zero is the smallest number?

Yes, zero is the smallest whole number. One is the smallest counting or natural number.Another opinion0 (called "zero" or "nil") means "nothing exists" so 0 cannot itself be a real number.So the smallest whole number is 1. (Also known as "one" or "unity".)