Currently, the fastest commercially available rifle round is the 220 Swift, traveling at about 4200 fps (feet per second) with a 40 grain slug. Some "wildcat" or custom made rounds are faster, but not generally avaialble to the consumer in a rifle.
This depends on what you call a "gun." If you mean that the person firing it must hold the full weight of the weapon, stand and fire, then a Bazooka round is most likely the largest - (US M20A1) 89mm (3.51 inches). If you mean strictly "guns" (not rockets) then a custom made JDJ rifle at 0.950 mm is the largest (although 'holding it' can be debated).
The fastest air rifle is the gamo hunter ,the fastest air pistol is browning 800 mag i have tested and got 1055 f.p.s. with gamo raptors,725 with crosman premiers. Fine Point Knife Dist. in akron ,oh can make your gun go that fast.
This is actually a very hard question to answer. Airguns have been around since Lewis and Clark's days. They brought over a .31 cal PCP air gun that if I'm not mistaken was built by someone in the Beeman family and another gentleman who's name I do not recall. It was written in their journals that among all their weapons, this was their favorite one. It's a fact, research it.
The Gamo hunter is about average now a days. Nothing to get excited about. I own about 18 air guns and... I need to count, but over 25 firearms. I love the Break barrel springers made by RWS, and the collaboration between FWS and Beeman. I also have a .25 cal Benjamin Trail XP that uses a Nitrogen piston instead of a spring that will blow a dime size hole in a coons head at 40yds.
Two of my "Big Bore" air rifles were built, just for me, by hand in the USA by Dennis Quackenbush. Google his name. You will be shocked at what his guns are capable of. The insanity starts right at the homepage! One of mine shoots a .308 cal slug, the other a .50cal slug. These are called PCP (Pre-Charged Pneumatic) air rifles as mentioned earlier and work on the principle of very highly compressed air. My .50 can be filled to about 4000psi, and the .308 to about 3000psi. You can use a Scuba tank or a hand pump to fill them.
Now you want to know about power.. hehe. They both can get a number of shots off one fill, or just one shot. There are just so many variables to consider. What power level are you using? What weight slug? What game are you after? and so on. They have 3 settings, low, med, high. I have killed an 8pt buck at 75 yds with the .308 using about 1500psi. and a hollow point slug that weighed 456gr. He took the hit behind the left leg and on exit the bullet shattered his right shoulder. I'm pretty sure he was dead before he hit the ground. I tested the .308 on a 3K tank fill using 150gr polymer tipped slugs a few times at the local range. I got 6 shots on med and the slowest bullet was going about 850Fps,
The 1st however was screaming at 1100 fps! That's over 400fpe from an
air gun! And even the last shot still had more than enough power to take big game.
Go to you tube and search for big bore air gun + cement block. there's a video of a guy using a .45cal to knock a hole through a cinder block.
So as far as the fastest air gun or the most powerful... Who knows. That is pretty much impossible to answer.
triangle is the strongest polygon
It depends on what you mean by "strongest".Strongest by military? Diplomacy? Trade? Economy?The strongest military country is China.The strongest diplomatic country is the United Kingdom.The strongest trade country is a tie between the United Kingdom and Canada.The strongest economical country is the United States.The strongest sporting country is Australia.The strongest illegal exports country is Afghanistan.The strongest eco-friendly country is a tie between Norway, United Kingdom and Germany.The strongest precious stones producing country is Columbia.The strongest educational country is South Korea.The strongest scientific country is Finland.The strongest freedom and equality country is a tie between Iceland and Norway.The strongest peaceful country is Iceland.The strongest agricultural country is India.The strongest recycling country is Israel.The strongest technologically advanced country is Japan.The strongest corrupt country is North Korea.The strongest country by income and finance is Monaco.The strongest country by gas production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by oil production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by diamond production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by size is Russia.The strongest country by air-force is a tie between United States, United Kingdom and Russia.The strongest country by navy is a tie between the United Kingdom and China.The strongest country by land army is China.The strongest country by motor army is China.The strongest country by warheads (missiles) is a draw between China, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, North Korea and France.
xanax....but clonazepam is strongest in canada
the strongest figure is Joe Zombie
find a bullet of the same caliber. shoot the person that made the hole. remove bullet from person. use bullet to plug hole in car
Barret 50. Cal Is the strongest gun in the world. The bullet travels at 1,134546,3456,2435,34555556,4333333335 miles per hour.
Ogbunigwe-Manufactured by Biafran scientists in the late 1960s
It is called a dinosaur. Its calliber is 720. It was made in Iraq. No man has yet been able to stay standing after they shot the bullet.
Kevlar would be a good choice, preferably backed with steel/ceramic inserts for extra protection.
A Atomic bomb is the strongest weapon on the planet. There have been talks of a anti-matter bomb, but it will most likely be used for exploration of space because of how cost effective it would be compared to conventional fuel. Also if you want information about pistols, assault rifles, and other weapons used in conventional warfare you should check online for each of these. There would be more information than I could give.the strongest weapon in the world is a guirza it can kill a person with a bullet proof vest with one bullet.
The Barrett .50 M82A1 and M-107 fires a very powerful rifle bullet, the Browning Machine Gun ( BMG ) .50 Caliber. This cartridge has been the "bread and butter" bullet of the US Military since before the Second World War and its a cartridge that's here to stay.
They use strong electromagnets, usually neodymium the strongest magnet, to levitate trains off the trac like the bullet trains in Japan. Thy are usually not used to pull the train forward.
Little bullet: Bullet BillBig Bullet: Banzai BillGiant Bullet: King Bill
Rifle and bullet (The bullet is dependent on the rifle to accomplish its purpose)
None. A bullet is a bullet, regardless of what material it's made from.
When you shoot a bullet the bullet casing pos out through the ejector and that is where the bullet is and gunpowder to fire it.
If it is deep, it will require surgery to get the bullet out.If it is deep, it will require surgery to get the bullet out.If it is deep, it will require surgery to get the bullet out.If it is deep, it will require surgery to get the bullet out.