a legendary frost drake or at least its the best i can find its only level 32 though...
The British had the strongest navy during the French and Indian War
If by 'strongest' you mean 'highest ATK', then the strongest Lv1 monsters are Blackwing Vayu - Emblem of Honor, and Fiend Roar Deity Beast Kashi, with 800ATK.However cards like Thousand Eyes Restrict, some would argue are even stronger than those.
i know that a naga drago is real. also i know that there such thing as a lockness monster 2.
Because they volunteered themselves to fight for the U.S.
triangle is the strongest polygon
You can't play Summoners War Game in China because it has been blocked in China.
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is the strongest Normal monster with 3000 ATK.
the strongest annimal is a tigrex if you are talking about monster hunter freedom2
There really is no best monster its just how you use all of your monster together with your combined effects of spell and trap cards that makes them strong. Its about the strongest deck not the strongest monster!
The strongest monster would be the Huge Slime as it has the most health. It is also very dangerous because it can climb ladders.
The Summoners - 2013 was released on: USA: 14 October 2013 (Screamfest Horror Film Festival)
The god cards are the most powerful cards you can play with. Since Ra is the Strongest and of all Egyptian Gods ,the answer is YES. The Winged Dragon Of Ra is the strongest god, the strongest monster. Unfortunately, the god cards Cannot be used in a duel, due to their tremendous powers. The god cards are the most powerful cards you can play with. Since Ra is the Strongest and of all Egyptian Gods ,the answer is YES. The Winged Dragon Of Ra is the strongest god, the strongest monster. Unfortunately, the god cards Cannot be used in a duel, due to their tremendous powers.
Evil Cygnus has 4 billlion hp
The Strongest monster is Miltonius because his HP(his health points) is 78,560..... while his attacks is 30,534,566 - 66,346,775 damage..... and most of all: he is level 100 he's difficulty is 5 stars source: http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/miltonius-monster
TzTok-Jad. The Corpral Beast uses magic type attacks when face to face and a distance. Only melee when under him. But the strongest melee monster is TzTok-Jad.
Black phoenix combine a legendary dragon and a phoenix together and you get a phoenix