The lowest common multiple of 3 and 9 is 9. Since 9 is a multiple of 3, it is automatically the LCM.
The least common multiple of two given numbers is the lowest number which has both given numbers as factors. As 3 is a factor of 9 the least common multiple is 9. * 3 x 3 = 9 * 9 x 1 = 9
The Least Common Multiple of 10, 3, and 9 is 90.
The least common denominator of a set of numbers is basically the least common multiple of a set of numbers.Therefore, with 9 and 3, the LCM/ LCD is 9 because 9 is the 3rd multiple of 3.
The least common multiple of 9 , 1 = 9
The LCM of 4, 7 and 9 is 252. Diagram it however you wish.
The least common multiple of 9, 3 and 7 is 63
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 9 3 is 9.
The least common multiple of 3 , 9, and 27 is 27.
45 is the least common multiple of 3, 5 and 9.
The least common multiple of the numbers 2, 3 and 9 is 18.
The least common multiple of 22 , 3 , 9 = 198
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 92 9 3 is 828.
The least common multiple of 3, 9, and 8 is 72.
The Least Common Multiple of 10, 3, and 9 is 90.
The least common multiple (LCM) of 3, 5, and 9 is 45.
90 is the least common multiple of 5, 9, 18, and 3.
The least common multiple for 9 and 3 and 7 and 14 is 126.
The Least Common Multiple of 9, 7, and 3 is 63.