$30,218,387 (USA)
£479,231 (UK)
Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098627/business
weekend at bernies 2
Weekend at Bernies was one of the funniest movies of 1989. It starred Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman who discover their boss played by Terry Kiser is dead.
The Avengers movie reached around 200 million dollars on opening weekend in the US alone. This was a big deal as it beat the previous record of sales.
You can't say "At the Weekend", it's not proper english. You can say "on the weekend" if you mean, for example, "we can't go to Disneyland today, but maybe on the weekend we can."
"Happy weekend, everyone!"
weekend at bernies 2
Weekend at Bernies was one of the funniest movies of 1989. It starred Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman who discover their boss played by Terry Kiser is dead.
weekend at Bernies.
Weekend at Bernies 2.
The name of the movie is Weekend at Bernies.
Catherine Mary Stewart is a Canadian actress. She has appeared in the soap opera, "Days of Our Lives" and was also in the movie, "Weekend at Bernies".
Hehe I found it guys. Weekend at bernies :P
Weekend at Bernies 2..!
Yes, alcohol sales do increase during holidays. Some of the holidays that show large jumps in alcohol sales are New Years Eve, Memorial Day weekend, Labor Day weekend, and the 4th of July.
Divide the total sales by the total sales forecast
The sales tax will be $1.24 which will equal to $16.19 as the total price.
According to Bankrate.com, in 2010 there were 17 states with sales tax holidays. Of those, 11 started on the first weekend of August (some for just two days, some for up to a week).