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Q: What is the world record for dumbbell curl?
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What is the antagonist during a dumbbell curl?


What is the world record for the reverse curl?

The current world record for the reverse curl is 115 pounds for men and 66 pounds for women.

What is the agonist in a dumbbell curl?

The antagonist to the Triceps are the biceps-brachii

What are the safety concerns when doing the dumbbell bicep curl?

You can save time and take steroids.

What are the benefits of incorporating grip curl dumbbell exercises into my workout routine?

Incorporating grip curl dumbbell exercises into your workout routine can help strengthen your forearm muscles, improve grip strength, and enhance overall arm muscle development.

How to do a dumbbell hammer curl?

With elbows to sides, raise one dumbbell until forearm is vertical and thumb faces shoulder. Lower to original position and repeat with alternative arm.

What is the heaviest barbell curl?

The heaviest barbell curl recorded in history is for 225 pounds or 102 kg. The man who made this world record was a man named C. T. Fletcher.

How can I effectively perform the one arm dumbbell curl exercise to target and strengthen my biceps?

To effectively perform the one arm dumbbell curl exercise for targeting and strengthening your biceps, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding a dumbbell in one hand with your palm facing forward. Keep your elbow close to your body and slowly curl the weight up towards your shoulder, squeezing your bicep at the top of the movement. Lower the weight back down in a controlled manner. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, focusing on proper form and control throughout the exercise.

What upper arm muscle groups and types of muscle actions are associated with the dumbbell biceps curl exercise?

Eccentric Flexors and Concentric Flexors

What are the best dumbbell moves?

the best ones for me is bicep curls,concentration curl, dumbell presses, tricep exstensions, and one arm bendover row

What is the World record for a womans bicep curl?

mariano mendoza 220 heavywieght set norwalk ca kevin meskew president

What is the joint action during the eccentric phase of a biceps curl?

A concentric movement would be flexing the elbow and curling a dumbbell towards the shoulder, an eccentric contraction would be the opposite movement ie bringing the dumbbell back down towards the thigh.