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A rock composed of compressed layers (sometimes resembling a cake) are known as sedimentary.

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Q: What kinds of rocks are simular to layers of cake?
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What kinds of rocks are similar to the layers of cake?

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How might you correlate rock layers from the north wall of the grand canyon with rock layers from the south wall?

Make a layered cake, with each layer representing a layer of the canyon. pick different kinds of cake that look like shale, sandstone, limestone, etc.

What thing has layers?

The Earth's crust has layers, the atmosphere has layers, and certain types of cake have layers.

How many layers in a smith island cake?

10 layers

What is a sentence using the word layers?

The cake had seven different layers.

How do you make the actual cake layers of a cake?

To make layers for a cake, either pour the batter into and bake in two pans instead of one, this will give you two layers about half as thick as one; or you can double the recipe and pour into and bake in two pans for two full sized layers. If you're using a box of cake mix, it will tell you on the instructions how many layers it's intended to make. Once the layers have baked and cooled, you need frosting to put between the layers to hold them together; you can also cover the entire cake with frosting after stacking the layers.

How do you make a raspberry layered cake?

slice yellow cake in several layers,,filling between layers..more filling on top..

Can a wedding cake be just 1 layer?

no .. a wedding cake can be lots of layers

What kinds of soft yeast cake are there?

There are many different kinds of flavors of soft yeast cake. You can make this cake in vanilla, chocolate, or fruit flavors for example.

Is pie cake the same as cake pie?

not exactly a cake pie is the layers of the cake while pie is a crusted figure with a fruity or creamy filling

How do you thickened a cake fruit filling?

Fruit fillings for cake - the sort that is placed between cake layers - is thickened with corn starch.

Is the top layer of a wedding cake made out of fruitcake?

Traditionally all the layers of a wedding cake was made with fruit cake, but nowadays it can be anything, from chocolate cake to vanilla cake.