A multiple has to be equal to or larger than the number itself, so there are no multiples for 359 that are between 49 and 95. 359 is a Prime number, so it has no factors between 49 and 95 either.
None in that range.
what has the common multiples 25 95
L.C.M. of 49 and 95 = 49x95 = 4655.
the answer is 69.27856123456789.3.159265398979841626
None in that range.
The multiples of 4, 5 and 8 that are between 49 and 95 are just these two: 60 and 80.
It is 80
It is: 72
Just 72.
60 and 80
90. All numbers that are multiples of 3, 5 & 9 are multiples of their lowest common multiple lcm(3, 5, 9) = 45 → multiples of 45 between 49 and 95 is 2 x 45 = 90.
60 and 90.
60, 90.
How about 80