If that's 12, 48 and 16, the LCM is 48.
If that's 124 and 816, the LCM is 25296.
Square numbers have an odd number of factors.
They ARE the same.
The set of factors includes one and the number itself. Proper factors do not include those two.
Prime numbers have two factors. Prime squares have three factors. Square numbers have an odd number of factors but that number varies.
Six factors.
If you mean: 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 then the next number is 32
3264... you're doubling the result each time.
Well, the factors of a prime number is that they only have two factors.
The proper factors of a number do not include one and the number itself.
There is NO number with the most number of factors.
A number that has more than two factors is a composite number whereas a number that has only two factors is a prime number.
"Proper factors" are all of a number's factors except one and the number itself.
Every number has factors. They are endless.
Square numbers have an odd number of factors.
A number with more than two factors is a composite number. A number with exactly two factors is a prime number.
if a number has an odd number of factors it would be a perfect square
if a number has an odd number of factors it would be a perfect square