Finding the LCM will make adding and subtracting fractions easier.
Finding the GCF will help in simplifying fractions. Finding the LCM will help in adding and subtracting fractions.
For reducing fractions to their lowest terms
The GCF is 6. That makes the LCM 42.
The GCF is 4.
The LCM is 11592. The GCF is 2.
Reducing equivalent fractions to their simplest form.
Finding the GCF will help in simplifying fractions. Finding the LCM will help in adding and subtracting fractions.
For reducing fractions to their lowest terms
The GCF is 6. That makes the LCM 42.
The GCF of 6 and 16 is 2. The LCM is the product of 6 and 16 (96) divided by the GCF (2) The LCM is 48.
The GCF of two numbers multiplied by their LCM will equal the product of the original numbers. If you know the GCF, divide it into the product of the two. The result will be the LCM. If the GCF of two numbers is 1, the LCM is their product.
The GCF is 1. That means the LCM is the two numbers multiplied together, or 210.
The GCF is 14.42 x 56 divided by 14 equals 168, the LCM
The GCF is 12. The LCM is 360.
The GCF is 4.
The GCF is 68, the LCM is 68