26 as a product of prime factors is a composite number.
The product of the prime factors of 26 is the composite number 26.
No, 8 isn't a prime number. The prime factorization of 64 is 26
The GCF of 26 and 65 is 13. 13 is a prime number. "Relatively prime" refers to numbers whose GCF is 1.
Prime factorization: 26 = 2 * 13 It can be represented as the sum of two squares: 26 = 12 * 52 26 is an even number. 26 in base 3 is a repetition of 3 digits: 26 = 2223
The prime factorization of the number 26 is: 2 x 13
The smallest prime factor of 26 is two.
No. 26 is divisible by 2 and 13.
26 is a composite number.
No, it is not. The prime factors of 26 are 2and 13.
No, 26 is not a prime number. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. In the case of 26, it can be divided by 1, 2, 13, and 26, so it is not a prime number.
26 as a product of prime factors is a composite number.
The product of the prime factors of 26 is the composite number 26.
23 is a prime number. 26 is even, and the only even prime is 2. The prime factors of 26 are 2 & 13.
no. 26 is not because it ends in an even number.