Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! If we're looking for two numbers that multiply together to give us 38, we can think of numbers that are close together, like 19 and 2. Remember, there are many different combinations that can work, so just keep exploring and enjoying the process of discovery!
The factor pairs of 36 are:
1 × 36
2 × 18
3 × 12
4 × 9
6 × 6
It is: 2 times 19 equals 38
The numbers are: -3 and -16
1 × 1,026 2 × 513 3 × 342 6 × 171 9 × 114 18 × 57 19 × 54 27 × 38
2 times 36 equals up to 723 times 24 equals up to 724 times 18 equals up to 725 times 14.4 equals up to 726 times 12 equals up to 72(72 divided by 7 is a multi- decimal number)8 times 9 equals up to 72Read more: What_number's_make_times_a_nother_numer_makes_72hope it works :d
19 x 4
19 times 2 equals 38
2 times 19 equals 38
38 x 5 = 190
30 times 38 = 1140 30 times 38 equals 1140.
1560 times 38 equals 106,080
38 x 100
38.5 x 8 = 308
2 times 38 equals 76 4 times 19 equals 76
It is: 2 times 19 equals 38
92 divided by 38 equals 2 with a remainder of 16.