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Multiply them together.

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Q: What to do to find the least common multiples of 21 and 25?
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What are the common multiples of 21 and 11?

Multiply 21 and 11 to get a common multiple. Since 21 and 11 have no common factors, that also happens to be the least common multiple.All other common multiples are multiples of this least common multiple.

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The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of (3,7) is 21.

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The least common multiple of the numbers 72 and 21 is 504.

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You need at least two numbers to find a common multiple. Multiples of 21 in that range include 21, 42, 63 and 84

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The Least Common Multiple of 21 and 30 is 210.

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It is 210.

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The LCM is: 42

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The LCM is 63.

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The LCM is 189.