To find two numbers that multiply to 285, you can factorize 285 into its prime factors: 3 x 5 x 19. These prime factors can be combined in different ways to form pairs of numbers that multiply to 285. So, the pairs of numbers that multiply to 285 are 3 and 95, 5 and 57, or 15 and 19.
To find two numbers that multiply to 525, we need to consider the factors of 525. The prime factorization of 525 is 3 x 5^2 x 7. Therefore, two numbers that multiply to 525 could be 15 and 35, as 15 x 35 = 525.
15 and 25
To calculate two-thirds of a sum, you first find the sum of the numbers. Then, you multiply the sum by 2/3, which is the same as multiplying the sum by 2 and dividing by 3. This will give you the result of two-thirds of the sum. For example, if the sum is 15, two-thirds of the sum would be (15 x 2) / 3 = 10.
The two numbers are 6 and 9
7 + 5 = 12.36/12 = 3so you multiply each number by 3 and get a ratio of...21:15
The numbers are 14 and 15.
12 and 3
3 & 15
The two numbers are 8 and 15
The two numbers are 10 and 5
3 and 12
12 and 3
They are: 2+13 = 15