(: your welcome
The 'purpose' was to allow one person to kill many enemies quickly !
Adding heels to shoes was laborious, so Matzeliger invented the heeling machine.
They are called compound machines. :)Hope that helps
The shrinkage crack can be controlled by maintaining the mould temperature at the crack point by reducing the cycle time, improving the sparay pattern, adding gates, using oil lines for heating purpose.
a machine is use in building
Adding sulphur to steel makes it easier to machine but only in controlled amounts. Too much sulphur and it become brittle and can crumble.
The adding machine is actually a calculator. but in the mid 1642's it was called an adding machine. it was used to help with mathimatics
An adding machine is a mechanical or electromechanical calculator which could perform addition and subtraction.
The first adding calculator machine was invented by Blaise Pascal.
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It was Blaise Pascal that invented the adding machine in 1642. He invented this machine to help ease the burdens of his father who worked as a clerk at the time.
Leonardo da Vinci. Experts mean the sketch does not really show an adding machine, but a ratio machine.
What is the value of a Victor Adding Machine, Model 7 57 54, Serial # 3425-389
a mechanical adding machine.