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Traditionally the Austrian Habsburg Empire was the leading political, military, and cultural force of the German Realm, or "Mittel Europa" as Germans called it, then in the 1850's and 1860's Austria fell back and Prussia, which was the only rival of Austrian power within the german lands, was experiencing abnormally fast industrialization, which had begun in Britain and by the 1850's had surpassed Britain in industrial growth, and in 1866, the Austro-Prussian war broke out between the Austrian Empire and Prussia, over the control of the danish provinces of Schleswig-Holstein, in which the 2 german provinces had united to terminate Danish control over the latters, and had started fighting over the administration of these 2 german territories, resulting in a decisive prussian victory, transfering the established order of german power towards Prussia and later Germany, at the expense of the Austrians, and you could still see it until sometime during world war one, the german power in Vienna were somewhat subbordonate to that of the german general staff, and tired of taking orders from berlin, the austrians did as they pleased during world war one and ended in the collapse of their empire, which was pretty much personal property of the House of Habsburg as Woodrow Wilson said it. Then during the second world war, Austria had been physically annexed by the Germans.

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Q: What was the strongest German state within the germanic confederation?
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Are there 4 nations in Canadian confederation?

Yes there are 4 nations and more. Canada is a confederation of many nations. The provinces were nations, which is why Canada is a confederation, and several groups within Canada claim nation status including many Aboriginal groups.

How were the people of Canada east and west different?

Canada East and Canada West were not "created." They were merely geographical designations within the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.

Why didn't the Northwest Territories want to join confederation?

British Columbia did want to join Confederation, but BC had not been part of the original negotiations. Therefore Britain told BC to wait until the new dominion became established. Four years later, BC joined Confederation.

Who is the strongest character on Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3?

Answerit depends on who is playing. for example, the strongest wrestler verses some kind of squinty weakling. you never know what will happen. the squinty weakling might win. its the same with the game so it is a mystery if anyone even is the strongest because as i said above it depends on the tactics or control master of the game.(the yellow flash)Fail- strongest character in bleach is Captian of squad eight. Kyouraku shika was enough to take out the first espada....without to much difficulty.. he must be the strongest. His shika is a Childrens Game shikai that makes the oponent play a game when they get within the range of his spirutual pressure... But this can kill him as well. Pretty strong or lose.

How can German people watch The Inbetweeners?

any German person can watch the inbetweeners in youtube, as long as they are not located within the united kingdom or Ireland, and as long as they get a sense of humor that is not related with licking potatoes and ducks that wear extremely large shoes

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