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the radiation leak in Chernobyl

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Q: What was the worlds most horrible accident?
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What actors and actresses appeared in Horrible Accident - 2001?

The cast of Horrible Accident - 2001 includes: Mitch Hara as Sonny Lori Petty as Six

What is accident class code?

there is no such class on aq worlds sorry

What are the release dates for SGU Stargate Universe Kino - 2009 Horrible Accident 1-32?

SGU Stargate Universe Kino - 2009 Horrible Accident 1-32 was released on: USA: 27 January 2011

What is Comparative and superlative degree of horrible?

more horrible, most horrible

What horrible thoughts does the grandmother have that causes the car accident?

tha plantation is located in a different state

What horrible thought does the grandmother have that causes the car accident?

tha plantation is located in a different state

Has justin bieber went out with his fans?

Yes, one is named Caitlin Beadles who was in a horrible boating accident!

What is an antonym for the word horrible?

The most likely antonym for horrible is wonderful.

Is Tatekulu Wilhem Shinima Niilenge of Namibia still alive?

no , he died in a horrible skiing accident last month

What is a description of Phineas gauge's accident?

Phineas Gage was in a horrible accident. He survived for another eleven years following the accident. The accident description is that an iron rod was driven completely through his head destroying the majority of the left frontal lobe and affecting his memory, behavior, and personality.

Who is the most horrible dad?

No dad is horrible . Just look at them a different way

What is the difference between ghastly accident and fatal accident?

Ghastly means the person was badly injured. Fatal means the person died. Ghastly itself means: Terrifyingly horrible to the senses.