The factors of a number comprises all positive integers which go into it evenly.
Factors of 101 are 1 and 101. So, it is a prime number.
No. Any number of positive factors will lead to a positive product.
Yes. The product of an odd number (21, in this case) of negative factors will be negative; if the number of negative factors is even, the product will be positive.
It will be even.
If there is any zero in the set of integers, their product is zero.If there is an odd number of negative integers, then the product is negative, whereas if there is an even number of negative values, the product is positive.
(-2)(-3)(-4) = -24. (6)(-4) = -24. So the product of an odd number of negative integers is a negative number.
If you are multiplying negative numbers, an odd number of factors will have a negative product. An even number of factors will have a positive product.
It is negative.
A positive integer.
A negative number.
False. The product of an odd number of negatives is negative.
If an even number of negative factors are multiplied together (such as 18 factors), the answer will be positive. If there are an odd number of negative factors, the answer will be negative.
A rectangular number is a number which is the product of two consecutive integers.