When one of them divides evenly into the product with no remainder and the result is the other number.
It is the number one.
They are called conjugates.
The LCM of two numbers is one of the numbers when one of the numbers is a multiple of the other. The LCM of two numbers is the product of the numbers when they are relatively prime. In all other cases (like consecutive even numbers that aren't 2 and 4) the LCM is as you describe.
The product of all factors of the two numbers is 2097152.
Prime numbers have two factors. Prime squares have three factors. Square numbers have an odd number of factors but that number varies.
The product is the answer you get when you multiply two numbers. The two numbers are called factors. The number the factors make when you multiply them is called the product
Two numbers are factors of a product when they multiply with each other to become the product. For example, if the product number is 10, then our factors can be 2 and 5, or 1 and 10.
A composite number is the product of two or more prime numbers.
If the two numbers have no common prime factors, the LCM will be the product of the numbers.
a composite number seems a reasonable answer.
No - because its factors include each of the two prime numbers.
Every product of two prime numbers has four factors.
The product is also a whole number. If the (number of positive factors) minus the (number of negative factors) is zero or an even number, then the product is positive. Otherwise the product is negative.
The product of two prime numbers can never be another prime number, the numbers that you multiplied are factors of the product. (example, 9 times 5 is 45, 9 and 5 go into 45)
No not always because composite numbers can be the product of 2 or more prime factors
Prime numbers have only two factors: one and themselves. By definition, your product would have more than that: one, the product and at least the two numbers that created the product. It has to be composite.
It is the number one.