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Gravitational force is the strongest when you are the closest to a mass.

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Q: When is gravitational force the strongest?
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The strongest gravitational force occurs between earth and?

the Sun.

What has the strongest gravitational filed?

The largest black hole has the strongest gravitational field. We do not know where that would be, but it is most likely in the center of a galaxy somewhere in the universe.

What is the strongest of the universal forces?

The names of the universal forces are: 1. Electromagnetic Forces 2. Strong Nuclear Force 3. Weak Nuclear Force 4. Gravitational Force The strongest of the 4 universal forces is Strong Nuclear Force. The weakest of the 4 universal forces is the Gravitational Force.

What forces is the strongest force in nature Electrical force gravitational force nuclear force magnetic force?

The fundamental forces are the gravitational force, the strong force, the weak force, and the electromagnetic force. Therefore, wind is not a fundamental force.

Why iks the gravitational force of the sun the strongest in the solar system?

The gravitational force of the sun is strongest for the reason that the sun is the most massive. Gravitational force is proportional to mass; the higher the mass, the stronger the gravity. The sun has over a thousand times the mass of the next most massive object in the solar system (Jupiter).

Which type of object has the highest gravitational force?

Black holes have the strongest gravity of any object.

What is the direction of the gravitational field in your classroom?

The direction of the strongest gravitational force in my office is toward the center of the Earth ... the direction I call "down". I don't have a classroom.

Why is the sun the only gravitational force?

The sun is not the only gravitational force but it is the strongest, the earth has a gravitational force, the moon has a gravitational force etc. Any two objects have a gravitational force between them that is proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Is gravitation the strongest or weakest of the natural forces?

The gravitational force between any two elementary particles is insignificant; in this sense, it's the weakest force. On the other hand, since gravity is UNIVERSAL and ALWAYS ATTRACTIVE, it's the strongest force on large scales. For example, the electrical and magnetic forces between two galaxies are insignificant, compared to their gravitational force.

Is strong nuclear force is strongest of all 4 fundamental forces?

The strong interaction (strong force) and weak interaction (weak force) as well as the electromagnetic force are fundamental forces. The only one "missing" from this lineup is gravity, the fourth fundamental force in the universe.

Which planet has the strongest gravity and why?

The planet with the strongest gravitational attraction in our galaxy at its surface is Jupiter.

Is gravitational force coming from the earths rotation around the sun?

No. There is a gravitational force of attraction between every two masses in the universe. The strongest pair of forces you feel is the pair between you and the earth, which you call your "weight". It would be there even if the sun were not there.